Italy Author: Kristina Dosen
This document defines the technical specifications of the software solution referred to in Article 24 of Legislative Decree No 1/2024 as a tool (together with those already regulated by the Decision of the Director of the Revenue Agency of 28 October 2016) by which electronic storage and electronic transmission of the data referred to in Article 2(1) of Legislative Decree No 127/2015 can be carried out. Read more
File type application/pdf
File size 1.95 MB
File creation date 30.07.2024.
File upload date 18.10.2024.
Document publishing date 18.10.2024.
Published by Kristina Dosen
Publishing company Fiscal Solutions
Number of pages 140
Language EN
Number of downloads 1
Content accuracy validation date 18.10.2024. 13:52h

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