S4F backoffice installer is intended for users who are installing the software for the first time. Please make sure to obtain latest version of installer and to apply all subsequent patches that are released subsequently. This package contains instruction, release notes, changelog and software packages required for deployment of this software component. This version of the Backoffice installer supports the following countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Read more
File type application/x-zip-compressed
File size 131.43 MB
File creation date 06.02.2025.
File upload date 11.02.2025.
Document publishing date 11.02.2025.
Published by Kristina Dosen
Publishing company Fiscal Solutions
Version number 1.0.111
Language EN
Number of downloads 0
Content accuracy validation date 11.02.2025. 12:44h