Public DEMO - Czech Republic Author: Kristina Dosen
This document is created by Fiscal Solutions team and represents a detailed and comprehensive overview of technical fiscal aspects applied in the Czech Republic. We unveil you concerning fiscal regulations in the Czech Republic, fiscal and non-fiscal receipts, etc
File type application/pdf
File size 3.62 MB
File upload date 07.12.2022.
Document publishing date 07.12.2022.
Published by Borislav Vukic
Publishing company Fiscal Solutions
Number of pages 75
Version number 1.16
Language EN
Number of downloads 9
Content accuracy validation date 07.12.2022. 13:55h
This presentation contains the technical specification for implementing fiscal regulations in the Czech Republic, it describes the process of fiscalization, shows examples of fiscal receipts, explains various codes (signature, PKB, BKB, FIK), certification process, infrastructure,  certificates, error codes, message format etc 

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