Public DEMO - Czech Republic Author: Kristina Dosen
An electronic receipt is a receipt that contains the prescribed data in accordance with the VAT Act and which has been issued and received in any electronic form. In general, the same rules that apply for the issuance of receipt on paper are applicable for receipt in electronic form, with the additional condition for issuance of receipt in electronic form. That additional condition is that the recipient of the receipt in electronic form must agree to the use of the electronic receipt.
File type application/pdf
File size 226.38 KB
File creation date 21.02.2022.
File upload date 26.04.2023.
Document publishing date 26.04.2023.
Published by Kristina Dosen
Publishing company Fiscal Solutions
Number of pages 5
Version number 2.0
Language EN
Number of downloads 31
Content accuracy validation date 26.04.2023. 11:48h
This document explains furthermore when is the electronic issuance of a receipt permitted, what does the Tax Authority allow, on what conditions are the issuance of e receipts allowed, etc.

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