Public DEMO - Czech Republic Author: Kristina Dosen
According to the EU Directive (the Czech Republic is a European Union member state, these rules are applicable), there are two kinds of gift cards and vouchers: - Single-purpose vouchers (sold with VAT included in their price) - Multi-purpose vouchers (sold without VAT included). Gift cards in the Czech Republic can be sold with or without VAT included in their price. If the gift card is sold with VAT included in its price, the customer will receive a fiscal receipt. On the other hand, if the VAT is not included in the price of a gift card, a non-fiscal receipt will be issued. More details are as follows.
File type application/pdf
File size 187.14 KB
File creation date 28.02.2022.
File upload date 26.04.2023.
Document publishing date 26.04.2023.
Published by Kristina Dosen
Publishing company Fiscal Solutions
Number of pages 7
Version number 2.1
Language EN
Number of downloads 91
Content accuracy validation date 26.04.2023. 11:47h
The following topics have been explained:
-  EU Directive: gift card types
-  Gift card sale (sale of single-purpose gift cards, sale of multi-purpose gift cards, VAT calculations)
-  Gift card usage (usage of single-purpose gift cards, usage of multi-purpose gift cards)

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