Author: Kristina Dosen
Language: EN
Videos: 36
Length: 02:54:27h
Image of Educational videos for Italy

About this education:

Legal part:

  1. Introduction-fiscalization overview
  2. . Fiscal devices: RT printer
  3. Fiscal devices: RT server
  4. Fiscal devices: certification or homologation of fiscal
  5. Fiscal devices: installation and activation of the RT devices
  6. Fiscal devices: verification of the RT device
  7. Emergency situations
  8. Business processes overview
  9. Business processes: receipt types
  10. Business processes: sales receipts
  11. Business processes: payment
  12. Business processes: discounts, Rounding, and advance payments
  13. Business processes: gift cards and vouchers
  14. Business processes: void (cancel) and return of a transaction
  15. Business processes: receipt copy, pay in/out, sign on/off
  16. Business processes: invoice
  17. Business processes: VAT exemption and refund process
  18. Business processes: Online sales
  19. Business processes: Fiscal reports
  20. Business processes: storing fiscal data and terminating the use of RT
  21. Receipt lottery
  22. Penalties


Technical part:

23. Overview of fiscal regulation in Italy and overview of RT server

  1. Technical specification of Epson RT printer
  2. Types of fiscal receipts and reports
  3. VAT, time management and deferred lottery processing
  4. Instant lottery processing
  5. Rounding and error handling on RT devices
  6. Fiscal Cloud features and version management
  7. Fiscal Cloud architecture
  8. Fiscal Cloud interface overview
  9. Transaction types, part 1
  10. Transaction types, part 2
  11. Commands in Italy



Duration: 02:28min
Uploaded at: 04.06.2024.
File size: 58.6MB
Fiscal Solutions has been a leader in the production of fiscalization software for 20 years. With over 70 clients in more than 27 countries around the world, we successfully solve the problem of fiscalization, covering the three most important aspects - legal, technical, and retail.