Author: Kristina Dosen
Language: EN
Videos: 34
Length: 02:39:08h
Image of Educational videos for Austria

About this education:


  1. About Us
  2. Introduction
    • Fiscalization type and Timeline
    • Legal Framework and Field of Application
  1. Fiscalization Requirements
    • Basis of fiscalization
    • Fiscal Journal (DEP)
    • DEP Exports
    • Security System
    • Registration and Possible Architecture
    • Electronic Signature and Counter
  1. Business Processes
    • Mandatory Receipt Elements
    • Sales Transaction
    • Returns and cancellations
    • Advance Payment and Treasury Transactions
    • Discounts, Copies and other Transactions
    • Sales to Diplomats and Foreign Citizens
    • Gift Cards (Vouchers)
    • Invoicing
    • Control Transactions
    • Offline Mode and Broken POS
    • Seasonal Sales and Mobile POS
    • Closed Systems
    • Audit
  2. Technical Part
    • Overview of fiscal regulation in Austria and the concept of transaction signing
    • QR code definition
    • DEP export
    • Security device providers
    • Control transactions for Austria
    • Finanz Online server
    • Fiscal Cloud features and version management
    • Fiscal Cloud architecture
    • Fiscal Cloud interface overview
    • Fiscal functions
    • Transaction types, part 1
  3. Last words



Duration: 02:28min
Uploaded at: 20.06.2024.
File size: 58.6MB
Fiscal Solutions has been a leader in the production of fiscalization software for 20 years. With over 70 clients in more than 27 countries around the world, we successfully solve the problem of fiscalization, covering the three most important aspects - legal, technical and retail.