Public France Author: Kristina Dosen
French residents are allowed to make cash purchases of up to €1,000 per transaction. For non-residents, the limit is €15,000. As long as the amounts to be paid are under these limits, the trader must accept cash. More details are as follows.

General information

Views: 5930
Content accuracy validation date: 10.01.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 08:35h

Above these limits, the consumer needs to use another payment method such as cheques or bank cards. There are no restrictions on cash payments between consumers (such as for cars), but if they exceed €1,500, an invoice is required to prove that the payment was made.
A trader can however refuse to accept more than 50 coins. In principle, the consumer must pay the exact amount, so the trader can refuse high-denomination banknotes if the price is much lower than the value of the banknote. A trader can also refuse damaged or stained banknotes, especially if the security features cannot be seen properly.
Cash payments at local government finance offices are limited to €300. These include payments of VAT, income tax, local taxes, fees (e.g. audiovisual license fee), fines, as well as hospital bills or rents paid to public institutions. Beyond the mentioned amount, the payment must be done in a dematerialized way.

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