Public Portugal Author: Kristina Dosen
It seems like the deadline for communicating invoices to the Tax and Customs Authority (AT) through the Finance Portal will be changed again. That date has already been the subject of several changes over the years. Changing the deadline for companies to communicate their invoices to the Tax Authority via SAF-T, from the 12th to the 5th of the month following the issuance, is provided for in the proposal for the State Budget for 2022.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 1017
Content accuracy validation date: 17.02.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 09:04h

The last change has occurred in early 2020 when the deadline for communicating invoices to AT through SAF-T was changed from the 15th to the 12th of the month following the issuance of the documents.
Now, according to the proposal of the State Budget for 2022, the delivery date of the SAF-T file can be changed again, moving the deadline to the 5th of the month following the issuance.
We will see if this will be accepted, and if so, when it will become mandatory.

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