Public Republic of Srpska Author: Kristina Dosen
New Law on fiscalization was recently published in the Republic of Srpska prescribing different fiscal devices that will be used in this country's new model. Similar to the solution that was chosen in Serbia, the government has opted for electronic fiscal devices that will consist of the processor of the fiscal receipts, a secure element and an electronic system for receipt issuance.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 14.04.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 08:12h

For the fiscal device to be compliant, the processor of the fiscal receipts, as well as the electronic system for receipt issuance, need to be previously certified by the Tax administration. The approval procedure will be carried out through the service of the Tax Administration, inside the so-called Fiscalization Management System, and following the relevant technical documentation. In this sense, the basis for the approval procedure will be presented in the Technical Guide for which the adoption by the Tax authorities is expected in the upcoming five to six months.
According to the new regulative, the taxpayer will be obligated to make sure before the start of the use of the electronic fiscal device that the mentioned elements of his device were approved by the Tax authorities. To make this process of checking the elements’ compliance, the Tax administration decided to create a publicly available register that will consist of approved elements of the electronic fiscal device.

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