Public Romania Author: Kristina Dosen
The Ministry of Finance announced that from April 1st, RO e-Invoicing system is also available for the B2B relations and the first invoices have already been entered into the system The electronic invoicing system for the Business to Business (B2B) relationship is available and operates in scheduled parameters, starting from April 1st, 2022, and more than a hundred invoices have already been entered into the system since, according to a press release from the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance continues the steps in order to streamline the collection of taxes and fees, with emphasis on preventing and combating tax evasion as well as improving the degree of VAT collection.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 1607
Content accuracy validation date: 11.04.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 09:07h

Thus, from Friday, the economic operators that sell products considered with high fiscal risk can for now optionally use the National System regarding the electronic invoice RO e-Factura on the Business to Business (B2B) relationship, whereas it will become mandatory starting with July 1, 2022.

According to the latest updated regulation (GEO no.130/2021) between April 1st and June 30th, 2022, companies can send the Invoices issued in the National system regarding the RO e-Factura electronic invoice, regardless of whether the recipients are registered in the RO e-Invoice Register or not.

Also, starting with July 1st, 2022, these companies have the obligation to send the invoices issued in the national system regarding the electronic invoice RO e-Factura, regardless of whether the recipients are registered in the RO e-Invoice Register or not.

The RO e-Factura system can now be accessed using the credentials for the Virtual Private Space (SPV).

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