Public Romania Author: Kristina Dosen
The National Agency for Fiscal Administration is preparing the launch of a new portal, which will also introduce new services for users of the SPV platform. Thus, Romania is soon expected to launch the mobile application and introduce many new electronic services in the SPV for taxpayers, such as the integration of the e-invoice, the appearance of the electronic file or the extension of the electronic payment system. Within the reform, the ANAF mobile application for Android and IOS platforms will be developed, which will include new electronic services for taxpayers, through mobile means. Among the electronic services in the application we mention the calendar of tax obligations, the ANAF newsletter, the visualization of the SPV approaches, messaging functions, etc. If the project proposed by ANAF is implemented, taxpayers will be able to have access to electronic services much easier than before. In addition, new functions for the virtual private space (SPV) appear within the project. In the following, we unveil which new functions will be included in the SPV.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 20.04.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 08:20h

The new functions that will be introduced in the SPV include the following:
-electronic services related to the integration of e-Factura;
-SPV notification service;
-an extension of the electronic payment system for the realization of other types of payments through SPV;
-issuing individual tax solutions in advance;
-issuing advance pricing agreements;
-solving the complaints filed against the fiscal administrative acts;
-mediation - a service offered to debtors;
-modernization of the registers query service;
-implementation of the ''electronic file'';
-integration in the new SPV of new ways of interaction with ANAF officials;
-extranet application for the communication of third-party institutions with SPV.
Some of the functionalities will also be an extension of the system of profiles and roles used within the SPV - such as the role of SPV account administrator, integration into the new SPV of new ways of interaction with ANAF officials – including SPV messaging, teleconference and video-conference.

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