Public Hungary Author: Kristina Dosen
There are many e-tax requirements in force in Hungary, facilitated by real-time invoice reporting (RTIR). However, the SAF-T obligation has not yet been introduced. This status is going to change as Hungary is planning to introduce SAF-T in 2022. Previously, Hungary started its SAF-T journey at the end of 2019, when local tax authorities (NAV) published a proposal to introduce a SAF-T structure.

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Content accuracy validation date: 27.04.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 08:24h

Originally, the introduction of SAF-T was set to take place in 2021 but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although no official ‘go-live’ date has been provided yet, there are leaks that suggest that SAF-T may come into force in 2022 or early 2023.
The above dates sound feasible, considering it is already more than two years since the project started. Furthermore, detailed technical documentation on SAF-T HU has already been provided by NAV.
SAF-T Hungary is divided into many structures covering various areas of taxpayer finance and accounting. That is a similar model to the Polish SAF-T (JPK), although SAF-T HU features more different structures. NAV underlines that such a design will simplify the generation of SAF-T files from various sources, such as ERP, warehouse systems, billing systems, etc.

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