Public Greece Author: Kristina Dosen
Any requests that will be submitted to the Tax Offices via e-mail from 9/5/2022 onwards, for procedures that have been included in the application "My Requests", will be considered as non-submitted. From May 9, 2022, the communication with the Tax Offices will be made exclusively digitally, for the procedures that they have or are going to join in the digital application "My Requests". Thus, the digital submission of the requests, the printed declarations to the Tax Offices and the provided supporting documents for these procedures will be done only by the specific application.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 881
Content accuracy validation date: 13.05.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 15:52h

The submission of requests and statements through the digital application facilitates both the citizens in the monitoring of their requests, as well as the staff of AADE, in their processing and the relevant automated information of the citizens.

From the same date, the processing of requests submitted via e-mail (e-mail) ceases. 

Any requests that will be submitted to the Tax Office via e-mail from 9/5/2022 onwards, for procedures that have been included in the application, My Requests, will be considered as non-submitted and do not bring any legal results. 

Now, through the upgraded digital portal, myAADE, taxpayers who wish to address digital requests through the platform "My Requests" or digitally schedule their visit through the platform "My Appointments" to all tax offices in the country, have the opportunity, through an easy-to-use environment:

  • to identify more than 250 grouped procedures per thematic category, as well as their required supporting documents,
  • to receive, through hyperlinks, the required digital files, and to have access to the relevant regulatory framework.
  • as well as to "intelligently" search for the process they are interested in, using different keywords.


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