Public Greece Author: Kristina Dosen
How many "vouchers" will you be entitled to for POS change as well as cash register change or upgrade? A scanning program for the upgrade of POS payment machines, the replacement of cash registers, and the application of electronic invoices is coming shortly and even with the possibility of gaining subsidies from the Recovery Fund. With a budget of 162.440 million euros the project of "Upgrading cash registers, electronic tax mechanisms and electronic payment mechanisms" was announced.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 22.06.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 08:20h


The project has joined the Recovery Fund and provides certain voucher coupons to companies to upgrade POS machines (approximately 100,000 devices), as well as cash registers if they have not already done so (500,000 devices). These coupons will be in the range of 150 - 350 per case and companies will be able to receive many aids, depending on their needs and size.
The goal is, through this upgrade, that the cash registers and POS be able to send in real-time the data for each transaction in the systems of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE).
As it is known so far, the budget of the Program is divided into 6 categories, including replacement of EFT/POS, electronic invoicing provider, upgrade of cash registers for interconnection with POS, etc.
According to the design of the program (expected to provide more detail within late June or July), the coupon will be possible for redemption on a special purchase platform (Digital Marketplace), where services and products that businesses will be able to purchase will be available. That is, there will be a list of approved suppliers who will "upload" to the platform the offered technological applications (POS, Cash register, etc).
Businesses, after selecting the products they need, will receive the "coupon" of aid. Afterward, each subsidy will be checked for various formal dimensions, such as confirmation of completion, payment of own participation by the companies, repayments, etc.
There are many cases where companies are found not to have issued the retail receipt in the transactions they had with their customers with credit or debit cards. That is, while the POS accepts the transaction, the shopkeeper either does not cut a receipt at all or issues a receipt but with a smaller amount, thus the tax authorities expect that this program will help lower those cases and help against tax evasion.

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