Public Poland Author: Kristina Dosen
Similar as it is in other EU countries, Poland has presented reduced VAT rates for certain products. More precisely, in June of 2022, the Sejm adopted the act on crowdfunding for business ventures and assistance to borrowers.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 12.07.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 08:15h

The act in question provides, among other things, an extension until October 31, 2022, of the so-called anti-inflationary shield 2.0, which temporarily lowered VAT rates, including on:

  • diesel oil, biocomponents constituting self-contained fuels, motor gasoline, liquefied gas LPG - up to the rate of 8%;
  • electricity - up to a rate of 5%;
  • fertilizers and plant protection products - usually intended for use in agricultural production, subject to the rate of 8% - up to the rate of 0%;
  • food and drinks subject to the 5% rate - up to the 0% rate.

Previously timeline was until the end of June, but it will stay longer. 

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