Public Republic of Srpska Author: Kristina Dosen
The existing system for managing fiscal data in the Republic of Srpska is based on technologies that are more than two decades old. The data collected once a day are aggregated, and as such are not suitable for more detailed analysis. The current system does not have advanced algorithms that would look for illogicalities in order to inspect taxpayers. The database of fiscal receipts, based on old technologies, is large and extremely difficult for advanced searches, filtering and analysis.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 617
Content accuracy validation date: 26.07.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 09:00h

With the existing system, it is not possible to carry out inspection controls at the inspector's workplace, which so far caused inspectors to inefficiently spend time on the field performing inspection supervision. 

In the current model, it is not possible to process and analyze the fiscal data in a high-quality way, because they do not arrive in a timely manner, and we often work with late data.  

In short, the current fiscalization management system is outdated and cannot meet the needs of the Tax Administration in order to exercise control over taxpayers in a quality manner, which reduces the fiscal discipline of taxpayers and overall reduces budget revenue. 

On the other hand, the new fiscalization management system (SUF) should be developed using a service-oriented architecture. In this way, all the necessary functionalities within the module would initially be developed, while the development of additional functionalities as well as the connection with the components of other systems in the future would be extremely simple and easy to implement. It is envisioned to be completely under the control of the Tax authorities and used for several important functions. 

SUF is designed, among other things, to be used for reception, verification, and analysis of fiscal data, as an archive of received transactions, as the segment where the Virtual processor of fiscal receipts is located, to have an area for taxpayers as well as suppliers of the electronic fiscal devices. 


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