Public Portugal Author: Kristina Dosen
The Portuguese administration has set a date for the mandatory transmission of the SAF-T accounting document and that is the year 2024 (previously, it was planned to start in 2022). The SAF-T accounting document is a file in the Standard Audit File for Tax format, an international standard used for the exchange of accounting and tax information.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 17.08.2022
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It is defined by Decree-Law 48/2020, and it represents one of the mandatory SAF-T files used in Portugal. Just to remind you, SAFT-PT invoicing and the transport documents have been issued by taxpayers since 2014.
This will affect private or public companies that carry out commercial, industrial or agricultural activities, with headquarters or effective management in Portuguese territory. It is defined which information the SAF-T (PT) accounting document has to contain.

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