Public Turkey Author: Kristina Dosen
The B2C e-Invoicing system (e-Archive) is a software fiscalization option available to retailers who are, in the case of using this system, exempt from the obligation of using the New Generation Cash Registers. Read more in order to find out which conditions the taxpayers have to fulfill.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 664
Content accuracy validation date: 03.10.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 15:16h

Taxpayers have to fulfill at least two of the following conditions:

a) The company's sales or gross business revenue is 10 million TL (500,000 EUR).

b) Total balance-sheet assets are 10 million TL (500,000 EUR).

c) total equity or balance sheet equity exceeds 1 million TL (50,000 EUR).

They use in their business activities at least 20 cash registers.

If a retailer is not yet doing business in Turkey and wants to use the e-Archive service from day one, only the number of cash registers will be taken into account. However, they need to meet the revenue goals within the first year of doing business or switch to NGCR until they meet the requirements.


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