Public Slovenia Author: Kristina Dosen
Have you heard that delivery of receipts will again be mandatory again in Slovenia? And this is less than a year after the amendment of the Value Added Tax Act entered into force, according to which the delivery of receipts when paying for services and goods was no longer mandatory.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 05.10.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 12:34h

The reason for this is said to be the growth of the gray economy. According to some information, the ministry is said to have noticed that the number of accounts in industries where cash payment is more widespread has fallen. They compared the number of tax-certified accounts. They discovered that stores issued 6% more receipts this year than in 2019. In some activities, where more payments are made in cash (for example, catering), the number of receipts issued should drop from 10 to 25 percent. The previous government arranged the fact that the delivery of receipts was optional with the aim of expanding the paperless business. The Ministry of Finance is now among the proposals for tax changes, also including the fact that providers of services and goods will be able to decide whether to hand over receipts in paper or digital form.


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