Public France Author: Kristina Dosen
As the new e-invoicing scheme is set to go into force in January 2024, there are still some open questions regarding the transition period to the new system. One of these questions is: will the new rules mean that on the 1st of January 2024, PDF invoices will become a thing of the past?

Fiscal subject related

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To answer the question, not exactly. Although e-invoicing formats are set by the French government, until January 2028, taxpayers can submit their invoices in PDF format instead of one of the structured formats. These PDFs will be sent to the invoicing platforms. Both the Private Dematerialization Platforms (PDP) and the Public Invoicing Platform (PPF) must be able to convert PDF invoices to one of the structured formats (CII, UBL, or FACTUR-X) set by the e-Invoicing mandate.

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