Public Austria Author: Kristina Dosen
There are three types of sales activities that are exempt from the fiscalization obligation in Austria. They are: outdoor sales, vending machines, and online shops.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 09.11.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 11:15h

Outdoor sales are any sales made in the public space, or during public transit transactions and are, as such, not connected to any fixed premises. This kind of outdoor sale is not subjected to fiscalization if the taxpayer has a maximum of 30 thousand euros in turnover annually. If the turnover is above that, then all transactions must be fiscalized.

Similarly, in the case of vending machines, only those machines that allow transactions of up to 20 euros are not subjected to fiscalization.

When it comes to online shops, transactions made and completed via online platforms are not fiscalized since there is no direct contact between the seller and the buyer.

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