Public Serbia Author: Kristina Dosen
How can a customer check the fiscal receipt on the website of the tax administration when the QR code or URL address is not available? If for any reason the customer wants to display or check the fiscal receipt but does not have a QR code or URL available, he can now do so by entering certain data from the fiscal receipt on the following page of the Tax Administration's website:

Fiscal subject related

Views: 1080
Content accuracy validation date: 16.12.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 12:14h

Data from the fiscal receipt that are entered into the form on the page are as follows:

  1. Total receipt amount
  2. PFR receipt number
  3. PFR time
  4. Receipt counter

When the customer enters all the data and clicks "Send,"  the screen displays identical data as when they scan the QR code or type the URL address of that fiscal receipt, with the appearance of the fiscal receipt in the section called "Journal."

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