Public Sweden Author: Kristina Dosen
A very important part of the Swedish fiscalization system is the control unit device. It must be properly connected to the cash register to be in compliance with the legal and technical legislation. A control unit device is a hardware-physical unit and must be certified before it can be used. The main purpose of this device is to store and sign receipts.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 872
Content accuracy validation date: 26.01.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 10:51h

Also, very important, the control of transactions by the tax authority, which is performed with a control unit device. Of course, it has a large number of functions that are predefined in the regulations, but in general, storing fiscal transactions is one of the most important features. The cash register will send fiscal receipt data to this device, and the control unit device will generate a special code that must be placed on the fiscal receipt, known as the control code.


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