Public Germany Author: Kristina Dosen
As these two terms are often confused, we explain their meaning below.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 25.01.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 09:07h

The tax identification number given by the tax office where the business is registered is known as the Steuernummer. It is used for all correspondence, audits, and day-to-day operations with the tax authorities, as well as in VAT returns. The VIES number, also known as the VAT ID number or USt-IdNr, is used for all intracommunity transactions. A steuernummer application must be made by a foreign company at the relevant tax office (in Germany, depending on the German Federal State where the company is established, you are allocated a specific tax office). After receiving the steuernummer, a second application must be submitted to the Federal Tax Office in order to obtain the VAT identification number (USt-IdNr). VIES optionally provides a unique reference number that can be used to prove to a tax authority that a particular VAT number was confirmed at the time of purchase.


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