Public Croatia Author: Kristina Dosen
The Tax Administration launched the project "Fiscalization 2.0"—the implementation of a system for cashless payment via eInvoice with integrated e-archive and advanced online bookkeeping in the VAT system—financed from grants from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan program. The goal of the Fiscalization 2.0 project is the introduction of the mandatory exchange of e-Invoices between entrepreneurs, along with the establishment of a system for fiscalizing non-cash accounts and a new reporting system integrated into the operations of taxpayers. The project is being implemented until the end of 2024. In the implementation of the project, the Tax Administration included representatives of the business and professional public in the work of working groups in order to jointly study the best practices and find the best solutions for the new reporting system.

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Content accuracy validation date: 06.02.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 12:38h

Solutions that will benefit all taxpayers and involved public legal bodies will be sought during the project's implementation, such as:

  • reducing the number of forms,
  • creation of preconditions for the pre-fulfillment of data, which will enable taxpayers to verify the accuracy of the fulfillment of tax obligations,
  • contribution to environmental protection by using eInvoices in the entire business process up to the digital instead of "paper" archive of invoices,
  • the ability to track and link accounts and prevent tax fraud related to VAT refunds,
  • support in the assessment and monitoring of macroeconomic indicators that will enable better adoption and monitoring of the implementation of public policies,
  • free eInvoice exchange application for small entrepreneurs.

As part of the Fiscalization 2.0 project, in the period from January 18, 2023, to February 17, 2023, a survey is conducted through a simple survey questionnaire with the aim of collecting information from taxpayers. The questions are related to the current use of eInvoices and the business processes in which they are implemented, as well as expectations from the use of eInvoices. The survey itself is available to taxpayers within ePorezna, and it takes no more than 5 minutes to fill it out. By validating the answers from the questionnaire, data will be collected that will significantly contribute to the further direction of the development of this project. Therefore, the Tax Administration invites taxpayers to take the time to fill out the survey.


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