Public Spain Author: Kristina Dosen
The Spanish Ministry of Finance has been working on regulations in relation to the new changes in fiscalization that will be present in Spain, probably from next year on. As a reminder, Spain (except for the Basque region) is currently a non-fiscal country, but this will change soon.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 931
Content accuracy validation date: 03.03.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 10:34h

More precisely, the Spanish Ministry of Finance has published a draft resolution that, once adopted, will establish the requirements for software and systems that support the billing processes of businesses and professionals. This law will have a significant impact on current invoice issuance processes. It will require implementing new invoice content requirements, including a QR code, and the generation of billing records by January 2024.

This will require major changes in all sectors, and it is considered necessary to standardize and modernize the computer programs that support the accounting, billing, and management of businesses and entrepreneurs.

The Draft Decree ensures billing software meets the legal requirements of integrity, conservation, accessibility, legibility, traceability, and inalterability of billing records. It sets standards for systems known as SIF (Sistemas Informaticos de Facturación). To comply with SIF standards, taxpayers may use a Verifactu system—a verifiable invoice issuance system.

More about the requirements predefined in this draft will be published in the coming weeks.


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