Public Greece Author: Kristina Dosen
Greek officials published in the Official Gazette, after the relevant press release, the Decision A.1023/2023 amending A.1138/12.6.2020 regarding the myDATA platform. Details of the timeline and novelties concerning retail companies are presented below.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 767
Content accuracy validation date: 09.03.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 14:55h

Transmission of retail sales through electronic cash register mechanisms (also known in Greece as FIMs) is amended, and the obligation to transmit the description of retail revenues issued by FIM, through the eSend information system, is postponed to November 1, 2023.

Until October 31st, 2023, the relevant data will continue to be transmitted via business management programs (accounting ERP) or the special AADE registration form. Many retailer businesses are successfully using the AADE registration form provided on the AADE website platform for this purpose.

As a reminder, up until October 31, 2023, retail transactions, for the entities that have an obligation to directly interconnect their cash register devices (FIMs) with A.A.D.E. based on A.1171/2021, are to be transmitted (accounting entry) until the 20th day of the following month from the date concerning the income.


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