Public Lithuania Author: Kristina Dosen
New changes in fiscalization terms have begun in 2023. As we have stated before, the security module, signing, storing, and transmission of sales data are new requirements in Lithuanian fiscalization.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 635
Content accuracy validation date: 16.03.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 08:03h

Therefore, the question arises of how data flow looks with these new changes. In general, we can say that: cash register program forms a receipt and transfers fiscal data to the security module. The cash register prints a receipt for the customer. The security module signs the receipt data, and the cash register stores receipts, Z reports. Data are transmitted to i.EKA VMI and saved in the e-journal of cash register transactions. The frequency of data transmission is set (maximum within 72 hours). The security module will block the operation of the cash register if the data is not transferred to i.EKA for more than 72 hours. The recommendation is to transfer data at least once every 24 hours.


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