Public Spain Author: Kristina Dosen
As we have already announced, Spain will become fiscal in 2024, and that will change the previous procedure in terms of issuing receipts and affect all businesses. The Draft Regulation of the Anti-Fraud Law establishes the requirements that the billing computer systems used in the activities of businessmen and professionals must meet to guarantee the integrity, conservation, accessibility, legibility, traceability, and inalterability of the billing records, as specified in the General Tax Law.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 1457
Content accuracy validation date: 07.04.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 13:54h

From the perspective of fiscalization, that means that the billing software for issuing receipts or invoices must be approved and generate a billing-sales record (for each registration or cancellation of issued receipts or invoices).

The integrity, preservation, accessibility, legibility, traceability, and inalterability of billing records must be guaranteed. Another important requirement is to automatically send the sales data to the tax authority to have better control, in two ways: in a real-time-Verifactu system - automatically sends the sales data to the tax administration from the software itself, which is recommended, or by registering every receipt or invoice and sending them to the tax authority at their request, at any time. It will also include a digital signature. Specifically, the billing software must keep a record for each receipt or invoice issued and a record of the main events in the computer system. Efforts must also be made to ensure that this information is stored without allowing alterations and guaranteeing its preservation.


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