Public France Author: Kristina Dosen
After two delays, a new date has been set for the end of systemic receipt printing. Starting August 1, 2023, merchants in France will no longer be required to print receipts, card slips, or purchase vouchers for every transaction made in their establishments. Instead, the law will require that these documents be printed only upon customer request.

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Content accuracy validation date: 26.04.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 10:00h

This new regulation is part of a wider effort by the French government to reduce waste and promote sustainability in business practices. The excessive printing of receipts, card slips, and purchase vouchers has been identified as a major contributor to unnecessary paper waste and environmental degradation.

By implementing this new law, France is taking a significant step towards a more sustainable future. In regards to consumer protection laws, sellers will have the option to offer electronic receipts, which can be sent directly to customers via email, SMS, or QR codes. This will not only reduce paper waste but also make transactions more convenient and efficient for customers.


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