Public Ghana Author: Kristina Dosen
Communication with the Tax Authority in Ghana operates through an online-focused system that requires a continual internet connection. This digital infrastructure enables data exchange between the taxpayers and the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), the tax authority in Ghana, via the internet. Whenever a transaction takes place, the relevant transaction data is to be promptly transmitted to the GRA server for record-keeping and processing.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 682
Content accuracy validation date: 19.05.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 09:49h

The communication process can be categorized as either real-time or near real-time. In instances where internet access is temporarily unavailable, the system allows in some offline usage, ensuring that communication remains as close to real-time as possible. This feature enables taxpayers to submit their transaction data even when internet connectivity is temporarily disrupted, with specific steps being taken.

Furthermore, communication with the tax authority can be done either directly or indirectly. Direct communication entails taxpayers interacting directly with the GRA's online platform to transmit their transaction data, while indirect communication involves the utilization of third-party software or service providers that facilitate the exchange of information between taxpayers and the GRA's server (the Tax Authority environment).


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