Public Hungary Author: Kristina Dosen
During the latest presentation of the e-receipt system in Hungary, certain novel information was uncovered regarding the upcoming electronic receipt reform in the fiscalization area. The representatives of Hungarian NAV’s Risk Analysis and Data Science Department have stated that the new electronic receipt will be created in digital form from the start and that the fiscal devices used in Hungary will need to be able to issue the e-receipt.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 549
Content accuracy validation date: 07.07.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 08:28h

Based on the current predictions, the e-receipt will be launched in July 2024, i.e., within a year, and from then on, four years are allocated for the complete transition to occur.

As a part of the mentioned presentation, it was explained how the e-receipt would be provided to the customer from his point of view. In that sense, according to the current plans, the e-receipt will work as follows:

  • The customer downloads an application on his mobile phone.
  • When the customer reaches the checkout, he will need to show the QR code available in the application to the cashier.
  • The cash register reads the QR code and creates the receipt, but it remains in electronic form (digital), meaning the cash register machine does not print it automatically.
  • The cash register uploads the receipt to the so-called Receipt Store at NAV.
  • The customer will be able to download the receipt from this Receipt Store if he needs it. Also, he may request to have such a receipt printed on the spot.

According to the NAV presenters, the customer will not need any separate registration to use the new system and receive a receipt; he will be able to use a smartphone with the application downloaded to it.


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