Public Serbia Author: Kristina Dosen
The Serbian Tax Authority has published another version of The Technical Guideline for the Administrative and Technical Overview of Functionalities (ESIR or L-PFR). This is the version noted as 1.15 and has been published in the Technical Guides section of the Tax Authorities' official website as the latest version of this technical specification for ESIR and L-PFR in Serbian e-fiscalization.

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Views: 601
Content accuracy validation date: 20.07.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 12:31h

The new 1.15 version brings additions to several topics regarding the issuance of receipts in Serbia. Below is the list of topics that are updated and explained further in this version of the Technical guideline:

  • Clarification for canceling receipts without the Customer ID entered (section 9.3);
  • Defining the obligator of fiscalization—the seller regarding single-purpose vouchers (section 9.5);
  • Addition in the section for the Customer ID codebook: defining a unique customer code for owners of pension cards (section 9.8).

The latest version of the Technical guideline can be found at the following link:


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