Public Greece Author: Kristina Dosen
The Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) in Greece has recently implemented a new digital mechanism that allows the real-time monitoring of audits conducted by its employees. The AADE Operations Room is a state-of-the-art facility that enables the coordination and supervision of various checks carried out by AADE staff in different locations, such as shops, customs, ships, places of special interest, etc.

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Content accuracy validation date: 24.08.2023
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The main purpose of the Operations Room is to effectively reduce tax evasion and customs fraud, which are serious problems for the Greek economy. According to competent officials and political leadership, the digital mechanism supports the work of AADE employees and enhances their efficiency and credibility.

The Operations Room works as a "digital eye" that can receive information (with photos and videos) from the points checked, e.g., for non-issuance of receipts, smuggling, and any other tax or customs offenses. The information is transmitted through a secure network and can only be accessed by authorized personnel.

The so-called Operations Room also provides a digital map that shows all the checkpoints and the number and extent of audits per area for the entire territory. This way, AADE employees can have a complete picture of the situation and plan more targeted and effective controls.

Additionally, the Operations Room issues daily statistics that help evaluate the results of the audits and identify areas for improvement. The Operations Room also facilitates the better coordination and dispersion of AADE forces at checkpoints, ensuring that no location is left unchecked.

The new digital infrastructure is expected to reach full operation in the autumn, employing over 100 employees and gradually being able to connect to 300 controllers simultaneously. The Operations Room is a major innovation for AADE and a valuable tool for combating tax evasion and customs fraud in Greece.

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