Public Spain Author: Kristina Dosen
As we have already stated, new fiscalization in Spain will bring new rules. One of the major changes is sending invoices or receipts directly to the Tax Administration (AEAT). But also, a selling or billing file in XML format must be created and sent to AEAT. That is how the selling system (POS SW) must guarantee that selling and billing records are authentic and secured without the possibility of altering or deleting the original data.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 28.08.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 08:17h

To summarize, VeriFacty systems have to:

  • Generate a billing or selling record when issuing each receipt or invoice.
  • Send them to the AEAT (Tax Administration).
  • Guarantee the unalterability of the recorded data.
  • Respect other requirements defined by Verifactu regulations.

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