Public Lithuania Author: Kristina Dosen
To be able to operate in Lithuania in terms of VAT, certain requirements must be met. More precisely, VAT registration in Lithuania is required. It is mandatory for companies to apply for VAT registration with the Lithuanian authorities before starting their activities. It is, of course, required to contact the Lithuanian tax authorities to start the registration procedure. What else?

Fiscal subject related

Views: 564
Content accuracy validation date: 31.08.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 08:52h

Also, certain documents (mostly translated into Lithuanian) will be required, such as the VAT registration form, a copy of the articles of association, an extract from the trade register, a certificate of VAT liability, proof of the tax representative, etc. The complete procedure is predefined and, in most cases, lasts around one month. From the perspective of fiscalization, it is important to state that a fiscal representative is necessary in Lithuania. In other words, Lithuanian VAT authorities may require non-European companies to appoint a fiscal representative. This is a local company that will represent a foreign company to the local VAT authorities. The representative is responsible for respecting all VAT obligations.


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