Public Poland Author: Kristina Dosen
E-invoice obligations have been introduced in Poland, and they will be in force in July 2024. As a reminder, the National e-Invoice System is an IT system used to issue, transmit, and store structured invoices. It bought a large number of novelties, a special format of e-invoice, a special structure, and similar.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 492
Content accuracy validation date: 20.09.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 09:09h

One of them is the abolition of the obligation to archive invoices for five years. The National e-Invoice Register will store documents in electronic form for a longer period of 10 years. More precisely, under the current legal situation, taxpayers must keep documents for 5 years from the end of the year in which the tax payment deadline for a given sale expires. Such archiving may take place in traditional paper or electronic form. But new rules will change it. This will be very convenient for taxpayers and entrepreneurs. The archiving of documents will be ensured by the tax administration, and taxpayers will not pay anything for this service.

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