Public Portugal Author: Kristina Dosen
Fiscalization rules and procedures were established in Portugal a few years ago. Companies must fulfill a large number of requirements before they can begin to operate in Portugal, particularly in terms of VAT. In those terms, it is important to mention that companies operating in Portugal must ensure they register for VAT before starting any taxable activities.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 764
Content accuracy validation date: 05.12.2023
Content accuracy validation time: 08:03h

Also, to register for VAT in Portugal, companies need to submit the necessary documentation to the Portuguese tax authorities and obtain a VAT identification number, specifically for VAT purposes but also for other activities. The deadline for VAT registration is 15 days after the company is established with a business registry. From a fiscalization perspective, this regulation and the special number that companies will receive are important because they allow access to the portal of the tax administration. The flow for registration is: completing the registration form; submitting the application electronically through the portal; waiting for confirmation from the tax administration; and receiving a VAT number upon approval.

It is important to mention that non-EU-based companies are required to appoint a fiscal representative. A fiscal representative acts as an intermediary between non-EU businesses and the Portuguese tax authority.


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