Public Republic of Srpska Author: Kristina Dosen
The technical guide for issuing approval for elements of an electronic fiscal device was just published on the Tax Authorities website in the Republic of Srpska for the purpose of approval of electronic fiscal devices in this country. This guide is the first technical specification document for the elements of electronic fiscal devices in accordance with the latest law on fiscalization ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska" no. 15/22).

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 11.01.2024
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The technical guide defines the following topics in detail:

  • Conditions from Article 10, paragraph 3 of the Law, for the purpose of obtaining the approval of the Tax Administration for putting ESIR into use on the market;
  • Technical documentation that suppliers or operators are required to submit when submitting a request for issuance of an ESIR or L-PFR approval for usage;
  • Definition of main terminology and its usage in the new fiscal system;
  • Cancellation of authorization for the operation of the electronic fiscal device in case of improper operation or use of elements of the electronic fiscal device that do not comply with the appropriate and valid Technical Guide;
  • The obligation of the Tax Administration to inform the participants in fiscalization about the changes in the technical guide through means of public information
  • Obligation of the Tax Administration to provide and maintain the test environment, as well as the tools necessary to carry out qualitative and functional testing of the elements of the electronic fiscal device;

Additionally, the technical guide also contains information on:

  • Significant errors in the operation of electronic fiscal devices (EFU);
  • Procedure for submitting fiscal data through the „PURS“ portal as the Tax Authorities online portal for fiscalization;
  • Formatting of fiscal data submitted to the Tax Administration;
  • Security mechanisms;
  • The portal for suppliers
  • Communication protocol specification, and so on.

The Tax Administration is obligated to publish and update the described technical guide on the Tax Administration portal for suppliers in the event that any future versions of this technical document are defined.

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