Public Poland Author: Kristina Dosen
The Ministry of Finance in Poland announced during a meeting last week with business organizations that the entry into force of the mandatory KSeF is certain, and the new date will be announced at the turn of April and May after the completion of the audit. But definitely, the mandatory e-invoice system will be implemented. The Ministry of Finance does not foresee any significant technical changes. However, it announces extensive consultations and the establishment of working groups to solve the problems reported by entrepreneurs.

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Extensive consultations with interested communities are planned, and working groups will be established to work on new solutions. Therefore, it is unlikely that the mandatory KSeF will come into force on January 1, 2025. It will probably happen on April 1 or July 1, 2025. On February 9, the Ministry of Finance will announce a schedule of consultations on legal solutions and the functionality of the KSeF system. After all of these, the official law and dates will be known.

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