Public Republic of Srpska Author: Kristina Dosen
The Tax Authority of the Republic of Srpska has published another announcement concerning the test environment and fiscal device certification regarding the electronic fiscal devices for the new fiscalization system. We delve deeper into the topic, as follows.

Fiscal subject related

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All interested persons who meet the prescribed conditions in accordance with the Law on Fiscalization ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska" No. 15/22) and the Rulebook on the Approval, Use, and Register of Elements of Electronic Fiscal Devices ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska" No. 48/22 and 12/24) for acquiring the status of supplier of electronic fiscal devices (electronic system for issuing receipts and processor of fiscal receipts) are hereby notified that in the Fiscalization Management System it is possible to issue approval for elements of electronic fiscal devices.

The status of the supplier of the electronic system for issuing receipts (i.e., ESIR) can be acquired by a company or an entrepreneur that has its headquarters or a registered business unit in the Republic of Srpska and performs activities in the field of computer programming, consulting, and related activities.

Also, a reminder that the status of a supplier for a local processor of fiscal receipts can be obtained by a person who has been approved by the Tax Administration to perform the duties of an operator of the fiscal system.

The approval procedure for the elements of the electronic fiscal device takes place according to the procedure based on the regulations on fiscalization, including the technical guide and the other relevant regulations.

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