Public Bulgaria Author: Kristina Dosen
Bulgaria has been working on the SAF-T project, according to the Ministry of Finance. More precisely, the Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) is an international standard for the electronic exchange of data between taxpayers and tax authorities, but its usage and rules differ from country to country. A working version of the Bulgarian SAF-T is available on the National Revenue Agency website:

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 11.03.2024
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The standard, developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), has been introduced in a number of countries. A working version of the XSD scheme of the Bulgarian SAF-T, which follows the OECD structure and has been designed as closely as possible to the OECD scheme, is now available on the official National Revenue Agency website.

The purpose of the project is to create a detailed concept for the implementation of the international standard for submission to the revenue administration of accounting data by taxpayers in a unified format based on the Standard Audit File for tax purposes (SAF-T, Standard Audit File-Tax, v.2.0), developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

This way of reporting ensures a more efficient handling of risk management at the fiscal (national and European) level, a reduction of the administrative burden for business and the administration, and an increase in voluntary compliance by taxpayers.

Bulgaria will introduce SAF-T in phases, with large taxpayers being the first affected. The specific timing and starting dates will be set as the drafting process unfolds. Mandatory filing for large enterprises is expected to begin 12 months after the adoption of the SAF-T legal framework. Mandatory filing for all large taxpayers is expected to begin 24 months after adoption.

Currently, the following phases for implementation, following the adoption of the SAF-T legal framework, are being publicly discussed:

  • Pilot testing for the first six months, requesting voluntary filing by large taxpayers
  • Mandatory filing for large enterprises (within the meaning of the Bulgarian Accountancy Act), registered as large taxpayers beginning 12 months after adoption
  • Mandatory filing for all large taxpayers begins 24 months after adoption.
  • Mandatory filing for medium taxpayers begins 36 months after adoption.
  • Mandatory filing for small, medium, and large enterprises that are not qualified as large or medium taxpayers begins 48 months after adoption.
  • Mandatory filing for micro-enterprises registered for value-added tax (VAT) (except for entities that hold a VAT number in Bulgaria but are not established in Bulgaria through a PE or branch), beginning 60 months after adoption

The frequency of reporting will be monthly for the general ledger, purchase and sales invoices, and payments; yearly for assets; and at request for the movement of goods.


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