Public Republic of Srpska Author: Kristina Dosen
The Tax Authority in the Republic of Srpska has created a special section for new fiscalization on their website in the section for electronic services. This public institution formed a fiscalization section within the electronic services (also called e-services) of the Tax Administration that will be used for several types of applications for a successful transition to the new fiscalization model.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 19.03.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:22h

Within the designated fiscalization section on the TA website, the following actions will be performed:

  • Submitting an electronic request for initial fiscalization
  • Submitting a request for secure element(s) (ordering, cancellations)
  • Submitting a request for registration of the business premises and place of business of the taxpayer of fiscalization.

The first application that will be possible to submit is the request for initial fiscalization, which allows for filling in the data on business premises and places of business as well as requesting secure elements for new electronic fiscal devices. Once the period for initial fiscalization begins, the requests will be possible to send inside e-services and therefore start the process of e-fiscalization. 

All of the above is going to be done exclusively electronically in the new system via the mentioned e-services section.

For the purposes of using e-services and submitting requests and applications mentioned above, an electronic certificate from the TA in the Republic of Srpska is required.

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