Public Norway Author: Kristina Dosen
One of the key requirements for cash register systems is to have an ID number, which is defined as “a unique identifier for the cash register system” in Section 2 of the Cash Register System Act. The ID number is a way to distinguish one cash register system from another and to link the sales data to the specific cash register system that generated it. The ID number must be stated in the X and Z reports, which are the daily and monthly summaries of the sales transactions, respectively. The ID number must also be displayed on the receipt that is issued to the customer.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 407
Content accuracy validation date: 15.03.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:15h

The ID number of a cash register system depends on the type of cash register system, which can be either PC-based or ROM-based. A PC-based cash register system is a software program that runs on a personal computer, while a ROM-based cash register system is a standalone device that has a read-only memory chip. The ID number of a PC-based cash register system is usually composed of the license number and the serial number of the software, while the ID number of a ROM-based cash register system is usually composed of the serial number of the device and the software version number.

The supplier of the cash register system is responsible for ensuring that the cash register system has an ID number and that the ID number is correctly registered and configured in the cash register system. The supplier must also provide the ID number to the user of the cash register system and inform the user of the importance and function of the ID number.

The ID number is an essential element for the proper operation and regulation of cash register systems. It helps to identify, verify, and audit the cash register systems and the sales data they produce.



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