Public Poland Author: Kristina Dosen
From July 2024, a special hotline will be launched in the National Tax Information System, where taxpayers will be able to obtain not only substantive information regarding the National e-Invoice System but also technical assistance. Marcin Łoboda, head of the National Tax Administration, announced this in the Sejm.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 19.04.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:29h

The date of entry into force of the KSeF will be announced, as previously announced, at the turn of April and May. At the same time, it has been declared that KAS will conduct training to help entrepreneurs meet these requirements. All of these are introduced because of the lack of preparation for the e-invoicing system in Poland, and in order to meet this obligation, The ministry announced that the mandatory KSeF will come into force on one date for all taxpayers—both active and VAT-exempt—but it has not been announced yet which ones. The Ministry of Finance will announce this date at the turn of April or May. 

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