Public Spain Author: Kristina Dosen
The document titled "Validaciones y Gestión de Errores del Sistema VERIFACTU" outlines the processes, validations, and error management procedures related to the VERIFACTU system. Let's delve deeper into this topic.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 05.06.2024
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The main goal of this document is to detail the validations and error management procedures for electronic invoice submissions, both for new and cancellation records, to ensure compliance with the AEAT (Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria) requirements.

Key Sections

  1. Version Control (Control de Versiones):
    • This section tracks the historical revisions of the document, listing changes made in each version, starting from the initial draft to the current version 0.7.2.
  1. Validations (Validaciones):
    • Structural Validations: Ensure the structure of the labels in the submission matches the required schema. Failures in this validation result in the complete rejection of the message.
    • Syntactic Validations: Check the format, length, and mandatory content of fields, as well as whether values match predefined sets. Errors here may lead to the rejection of individual records but allow processing of other records in the message.
    • Business Validations: Focus on fields whose content or mandatory status depends on the value of other fields. These errors also result in the rejection of individual records.
  1. Error Management (Gestión de Errores):
    • Global Request States: The outcome of submissions can be complete acceptance, partial acceptance, or complete rejection.
    • Error Types: Differentiates between admissible errors (which do not prevent the record from being registered but must be corrected) and non-admissible errors (which prevent the record from being registered).
  1. Error Correction (Subsanación de Errores):
    • Details the process for correcting admissible and non-admissible errors, and the conditions under which new records must be submitted to correct errors in previous submissions.
  1. Appendix: Admissible Registration and Cancellation Operations (Anexo: Operativas de Alta y Anulación Admisibles):
    • Provides scenarios and conditions under which new records can be created or existing ones can be canceled, specifying how to handle situations where records are rejected or require correction.

Practical Implications

For businesses and IT departments managing invoicing systems, this document is crucial for ensuring that all electronic invoices comply with the latest regulatory requirements. By following the detailed validations and error management guidelines, organizations can avoid common pitfalls that lead to rejections and ensure smooth processing of their tax-related submissions. This document is an essential guide for IT professionals and businesses involved in electronic invoicing within Spain, providing comprehensive details on validation and error management to ensure compliance with AEAT regulations.

API document updated

At the same time, the description of the verification API has been updated. The update contains error corrections, corrections in the singular/plural text, duplicate spaces, typos and quotes.



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