Public Republic of Srpska Author: Kristina Dosen
The tax authorities in the Republic of Srpska have published new details and a document inside the section for customers, i.e., buyers, in the new fiscalization. More precisely, they have updated the PORTAL FOR BUYERS section inside the e-fiscalization area of the TA website.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 165
Content accuracy validation date: 10.06.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 15:39h

Inside this section, the following are available:

  1. Document: Instructions for checking the validity of the fiscal receipt;
  2. Link for checking the validity of fiscal receipts in the new fiscal system using the following link:
  3. Link for reporting non-issuance (and non-compliance) of fiscal receipts:

The document mentioned in the first point is a detailed guide for customers, i.e., buyers, to be able to check the validity of their fiscal receipts inside the new fiscal system.

This document is also available on our Fiscal Portal, Instructions to verify the validity of fiscal receipts (RS) as well as in English, using the following link Instructions to verify the validity of fiscal receipts (EN)

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