Public Montenegro Author: Kristina Dosen
There are a large number of predefined requirements for taxpayers, all obligors of fiscalization requirements in Montenegro. We summarized the main obligations for taxpayers as follows:

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 03.07.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:09h


  • Be a registered business subject.
  • Acquire a digital certificate for the signing of transactions.
  • Have a POS able to support digital certificates and SW for fiscalization.
  • Install the certificate on the POS.
  • Support a permanent internet connection on the POS.
  • Acquire a fiscalization SW from a registered SW manufacturer.
  • Have a maintenance agreement with a registered SW maintainer. 
  • Install the SW on the POS.
  • Register the store
  • Register the operator(s).
  • Register the POS (together with the serial number of the certificate, the SW code used on that POS, and the SW maintainer code).
  • On each day, open and register the cash deposit on the POS.

Of course, this is a very short overview. Each step requires respecting multiple obligations to be in compliance with the fiscalization legislation in Montenegro.

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