Public Sweden Author: Nikolina Basic
The fiscalization rules have been defined in Sweden. It has characteristics of hardware-based systems-where cash register is used, along with the control unit device. A special form of certification-known also as a verification or declaration is required, to show that fiscal configuration is in compliance with the fiscalization legislation.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 12.07.2024
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If there has been certain changes in the versions of cash registers, and in accordance with the regulation and article from ch. 8 § 1 SKVFS 2014:9,  it appears that for each version of a cash register model or a cash register program there must be a manufacturer's declaration.

When updating the version of a cash register, a manufacturer must therefore submit a new manufacturer's declaration to the Swedish Tax Agency. Such a manufacturer's declaration can be limited to what changes have taken place compared to the previous version and with suitable explanations for the changes.

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